Kidepo Valley National Park is one of the most unique and un explored national park in Uganda with one of the most amazing animal, the giraffes, which can only be sited here and Murchison Falls National Park, plus Lake Mburo National Park.

Rothschild Giraffes on a parade
Giraffes are one of the amazing and known to be the gracious animal. Others refer it to be a gentle animal because of its ways of nature, a being so lovely and calm.
In the 1990s the giraffes population in Kidepo Valley National Park was reduced to only three individuals. Whilst poaching has stopped, giraffe are still under threat by habitat loss and fragmentation, and disease. All these threats can ultimately be linked to human population growth.
During the 1960s Kidepo had a sustainable Rothschild giraffe population of over 400 animals. By 1992 this had been poached down to only three animals, including a single female. In 1997 Warden Peter Möller obtained funding from the Frankfurt Zoological Society to translocate giraffes from Kenya’s Lake Nakuru National Park. One female died in the holding facility in Lake Nakuru. Two females and one male were flown to Kidepo. In Kidepo one male was eaten by lions shortly after being released.
Nubian giraffe is one of the most endangered subspecies of giraffe. In 2010, the estimate for the former Rothschild’s giraffe, which is now subsumed into Nubian giraffe, was less than 670 individuals remaining in the wild.
Currently there has been ongoing census of giraffes by the Uganda Wildlife Authority to create awareness among the community members so as to create the awareness of giraffe conservation so as to boost on the number of giraffes in the country.