Kidepo National Park is a place where you really feel the real grill of the total true wilderness. Kidepo Valley National Park is one of the two parks in Uganda where you are able to get out of the vehicle and explore the savannah by foot on a nature walk.

Hiking Kidepo Valley National Park
A walk in this park will take you back t the old stone due to the fact of the great setting of this amazing wilderness. Everything here is still intact, the land scape is unique, the flora is superb and the wildlife is still in their wilderness state. You can feel the real cool breath once your foot lands on the great soil of Kidepo. This is an experience that brings all the senses into play: watch the birds sing on trees, animals busy grazing and the ostriches staring at your moves.
Kidepo Valley National Park nature walks can be done around Apoka Camp at any time of the day and visitors can view different species of animals like elephants, Bulbul, Zebras and reed bucks, at the eastern kakine circuit, visitors can see wildlife at close range of up to 50-70 meters. Nature walks can also be done along rionomoe trail and around this hill where one can view the parts of the Narus valley.
Hike to the Lomej Mountains, take leisurely walks through the Narus Valley, meet members of the endangered IK tribe and wander the splendid Kidepo River Valley between banks of borassus palm forest.
All Nature Walks and Hikes within the Park will guided by Uganda Wildlife Authority Rangers, you cannot wander off on your own in this remote park.